Interviewer: Steffi, thank you so much for taking the time to speak with us today. You’ve had an extraordinary career, and you’ve shared so many unforgettable moments with the world. But today, we want to talk about something a little different. Your relationship with your parents has always seemed so special. Could you share with us what role your parents played in shaping the person and athlete you became?
Steffi Graf: Thank you for having me. It’s always emotional for me to talk about my parents because they were everything to me. My dad… sighs… he was my rock, and my mom… my best friend. I owe everything I achieved to them, especially to my mother, who gave up so much of her own life to support me.
Interviewer: That’s very moving. Your father, Peter, was such a strong influence in your career, wasn’t he?
Steffi Graf: Yes, absolutely. My father was my coach in the early years. He saw something in me even when I was just a little girl, playing tennis for fun. He had this unwavering belief that I could be successful, and he worked tirelessly to make that happen. He pushed me hard, but always out of love. The sacrifices he made, the time he invested—everything he did was to ensure that I had the best chance at succeeding in this sport. But I don’t think I truly realized the magnitude of his sacrifices until much later.
Interviewer: Your father was always by your side, but now, as you reflect on your career, your mother stands out. You’ve spoken before about her dedication. Can you share a bit more about the bond you had with her, especially as your father’s health began to deteriorate?
Steffi Graf: My mother… she was my emotional anchor. I cannot even begin to express how much she did for me, not just as a tennis player, but as a human being. My father was always the one in the spotlight, pushing me on the court. But my mother was the one behind the scenes, ensuring I was okay, emotionally and mentally. When my dad passed away, it was my mother who held everything together. I don’t think I could have survived without her strength.
Interviewer: It sounds like she truly became your foundation during that time.
Steffi Graf: She was. She is. She’s always been the silent force behind my success. When I was traveling the world, competing in tournaments, it was my mother who took care of all the little things. She sacrificed her own dreams to ensure that mine could be realized. She didn’t just support me in tennis—she supported me in life. When I had my breakdowns, when I felt exhausted and overwhelmed, it was always her calming presence that I needed.
She’s not just my mother—she’s my best friend. And I have to say, there were so many moments when I wanted to quit, to walk away from the pressure of it all, but my mother never allowed me to. She would remind me of my strength, of the sacrifices she and my father made for me. She never let me forget how much they believed in me.
Interviewer: That must have been an incredibly hard time, losing your father, especially with all that pressure surrounding you. How did your mother help you cope through that period?
Steffi Graf: Oh, it was the hardest time of my life. When I lost my father, I felt like I lost a part of myself. But my mother… she showed me what true strength looked like. She didn’t fall apart, even though I know she was grieving deeply. She helped me grieve too. It was her love, her understanding, and her quiet strength that got me through. I think she became the mother and father figure for me in many ways after that. Even though she was always a woman of few words, she would tell me, “You are strong. Your father’s spirit is in you.” And that always gave me comfort.
Interviewer: That’s such a powerful statement. I can hear the love and admiration you have for her in your voice. What do you think your parents would say if they were here today, seeing everything you’ve accomplished?
Steffi Graf: Pauses, tears welling up My father… he would probably say something like, “You did it, kid, but remember—don’t stop working. The journey’s never really over.” He was always so focused on the next challenge, the next step. As for my mother, she would simply smile and say, “I’m so proud of you, but don’t forget to enjoy life.” That’s something she’s always reminded me of—there’s more to life than just tennis.
Interviewer: Steffi, I’m sure they are incredibly proud of you, even if they can’t be here to say it themselves. Your relationship with them is so moving, and it’s clear their love and sacrifices have shaped who you are.
Steffi Graf: Softly Yes, their sacrifices… sometimes I still feel them in everything I do. I carry them with me every day. And even though my father isn’t here, I feel his presence in my heart. But my mother… she smiles faintly… she’s still my biggest support. She always will be.
Interviewer: Thank you so much for sharing this part of your story, Steffi. It’s truly moving, and I’m sure it resonates with so many people.
Steffi Graf: Thank you. It means the world to me that I can share this. pauses, taking a breath My parents gave me everything. And I carry that gift with me every day.